Even A Seawall Doesn't Stop The Ocean
By DPH2002,
A blog by DPH2002 in General
By DPH2002,
By DPH2002,
Last weekend the LARC mixed 8+ raced at the San Diego Fall Classic. The race course is a beautiful meandering route through Mission Bay, hosted by the San Diego Rowing Club.
After a phenomenal night out at the gas lamp district we woke (hardly hung-over at all, honest) and raced one of the most fun, painful and fast races our boat has ever done.
And, we won!! (It didn’t hurt that we were the only mixed masters 8+!) Our time was 19:04 for this long head race course.
Thanks to Mimi for putting the boat together, Vijay for helping out with the race organization and Greg for coxing.
Here are some pictures.
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By DPH2002,
We row out of Marina Beach, also known as Mothers’ Beach, here in Marina del Rey. Lately there’s been a lot of discussion about the future of our beach, and the development of the marina.
Here’s an LA Weekly article about the struggle…
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By DPH2002,
These Kiwis sent us this documentary of their efforts leading up to the 1984 Olympic Games. Intense erg training!!
Here’s a link to the video on their website.
From the website:
This documentary follows the efforts of the New Zealand rowing eight to win gold at 1984’s Los Angeles Olympics. The eight, coached by the legendary Harry Mahon, had won the past two world champs and were expected to repeat the triumph of the 1972 Kiwi eight at Munich. Amongst training at home, the infamous six minutes of pain — the “erg test” — is featured; one of the most demanding trials in sport. The action then shifts to LA for the Olympic finals. The film offers a gripping insight into the extreme lengths the amateur athletes go to in their quest for gold.
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By DPH2002,
We put the word out to the entire club to pick their favorite rowing or erg music. Here’s the result. A lot of fantastic music in there. Some weird ones too, but I guess you never know until you try.
Happy rowing!
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http://www.larowingblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/rowing-faster.jpgSo, personally I think Jess is a very good rower. I am probably biased but still, her power to weight ratio is unmatched in our club in my humble opinion! http://www.larowingblog.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif
Anyway I found this book in the back of her car. She says she hasn’t really read it that seriously yet but is hoping to. Has anyone read it before? Can you let us know if it’s any good by posting in the comments?
Rowing Faster by Volker Nolte
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By DPH2002,
While there’s nothing like getting up at the crack of dawn to get out on the water and row with your crew, sometimes you just can’t row outdoors. This could be due to weather, or scheduling, or even just because you’re working on some drills or technique with your coach and he/she needs better access to you. When rowing indoors we use the Indoor Rowing machine, or Ergometer (shortened to Erg).
There are a few common Ergs on the market these-days, that vary in style and cost. By far the most common erg is the Model D or Model E, made by Concept2.
The Concept2 erg operates mechanically, and simulates the rowing stroke very accurately using a wind-resistance flywheel attached to a chain. The seat slides backwards and forwards on its railing, just like your seat does in your boat. Concept2 ergs are highly reliable and used all round the world by some of the best rowers out there.
The major differences between the Model D ($900) and Model E ($1260) are to do with the construction – the Model E is slightly more sturdy, but the Model D is also near-indestructible. Another difference is that the Model E is slightly taller, meaning the seat is higher, making it possibly easier to get on and off if you have a tough time bending down.
They are connected to mini-computers and LCD screens which provide instant feedback on your stroke, with very detailed information, including 500m split, distance, stroke count etc. There are even some cheesy but fun games built into the mini-computers, such as The Fish Game, which make your tedious rowing piece a little more fun.
There are two types of monitors (computers) available, the newer PM4 and the older PM3. I’d suggest getting the PM4, although I’ve never used one myself (the PM3 still being quite common). As I understand it, it has more advanced networking capabilities than the older one.
Regular erg practice can improve your technique, stamina, speed, and possibly help you lose weight.
They’re both available direct from the manufacturer, Concept2, and also on Amazon.
Here’s a link to the Model E on Amazon:
Concept2 Model E Indoor Rowing Machinehttp://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=losangrowblo-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B001QJQWG0
And here’s a link to the Model D:
Concept2 Model D Indoor Rowing Machinehttp://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=losangrowblo-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B001A0ZT2I
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By DPH2002,
I know this is not technically about rowing in Los Angeles, but still it’s a phenomenal video. Music is Justice and Video is by Tim Neiser. The rowing team is the National Rowing League of Germany.
RBL National Rowing League Germany RCGD Image Film 1. Ruder Bundesliga Düsseldorf from Tim Neiser on Vimeo.
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By DPH2002,
http://www.larowingblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/IMG_2110.jpgHalloween Rowing Costumes
[/url]Yesterday our club had heaps of boats in the Head of the Marina race down here at Marina del Rey. This year it was particularly spooookkkkyyy since it was Halloween. I’m proud to say that we had about 40 medalists from our club, including three boats with first place medals! We had the Mens’ Masters 8+ A and B, Womens’ Masters 4+, Womens’ Masters Double, Womens’ Open 8+ and the Mixed Masters 8+.
And, here they are as a slideshow.
Here are the official results:
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By DPH2002,
Here’s a video from Jessica taken while her crew was rowing back to the Boston University Boat House after their race in the Head of the Charles!
Don’t forget to make friends with the team’s Facebook profile by going here!
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By DPH2002,
by Mark May
I recently heard that you will be moving on to a new club. It is with heartfelt sadness to see you go. You have provided us with many years of valuable service transporting our boats to the various regattas in California and the Southwest. Remember the good times we had crashing on the shores of Los Gatos with Robert B. or transporting our boats to the many races in SD, LB and at Lake Merritt. I must say that you have contributed to the many medals our club has won over the years.
It is true that for the last several years we have neglected you. Left you to rust in the elements and become vandalized. But we have much renewed motivation to continue using you now that our club has recruited many a new rower, beginner and advanced alike, seriouly interested in competing in races. But alas, it is not to be.
What I don’t understand is why you didn’t let us know earlier. We have a wonderful system of communication called LA Rowing Groups. We could have put out a poll to the club to see where the current membership stands on the issue or at least post a message. Or perhaps you did and I just didn’t see it during my daily checks of postings over the last year. Needless to say, once I heard that you were considering leaving us for another club there were those who diligently tried to justify your existence. We offered FREE storage. Members rallied to repair you and maintain your registration. There were those even willing to eventually purchase a vehicle with a tow package to help you transport our boats. But alas, the powers to be thought you were a waste of time, a money pit.
It’s a pity LARC Trailer. Our club has come a long way from being mediocre recreational club to a club respected and admired by many in the rowing community. You leaving us is like the proverbial one step forward, two steps back.
Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with your new club. Perhaps we will cross paths again as you proudly transport your clubs boats on the highways and byways to your next regatta. Better yet, maybe you can spare some space to transport our boats. You can’t be any more expensive than the $40 a seat rental LMU charges.
With Fondest Regards
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