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My Dearest LARC Trailer





by Mark May


I recently heard that you will be moving on to a new club. It is with heartfelt sadness to see you go. You have provided us with many years of valuable service transporting our boats to the various regattas in California and the Southwest. Remember the good times we had crashing on the shores of Los Gatos with Robert B. or transporting our boats to the many races in SD, LB and at Lake Merritt. I must say that you have contributed to the many medals our club has won over the years.


It is true that for the last several years we have neglected you. Left you to rust in the elements and become vandalized. But we have much renewed motivation to continue using you now that our club has recruited many a new rower, beginner and advanced alike, seriouly interested in competing in races. But alas, it is not to be.


What I don’t understand is why you didn’t let us know earlier. We have a wonderful system of communication called LA Rowing Groups. We could have put out a poll to the club to see where the current membership stands on the issue or at least post a message. Or perhaps you did and I just didn’t see it during my daily checks of postings over the last year. Needless to say, once I heard that you were considering leaving us for another club there were those who diligently tried to justify your existence. We offered FREE storage. Members rallied to repair you and maintain your registration. There were those even willing to eventually purchase a vehicle with a tow package to help you transport our boats. But alas, the powers to be thought you were a waste of time, a money pit.


It’s a pity LARC Trailer. Our club has come a long way from being mediocre recreational club to a club respected and admired by many in the rowing community. You leaving us is like the proverbial one step forward, two steps back.


Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with your new club. Perhaps we will cross paths again as you proudly transport your clubs boats on the highways and byways to your next regatta. Better yet, maybe you can spare some space to transport our boats. You can’t be any more expensive than the $40 a seat rental LMU charges.


With Fondest Regards




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