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Winnipeg Free Press Free Press Head Start for Monday, June 30 Winnipeg Free Press Local soccer legend honoured: The Winnipeg soccer community gave one of the sport's true local legends a huge show of gratitude, officially re-naming Winnipeg Soccer Complex at 900 Waverly St., the Ralph Cantafio Soccer Complex. Cantafio Sr., who was ... and more »

L'essentiel Le Pérou élimine le Brésil avec une «main de Dieu» L'essentiel C'est un but marqué de la main par le Péruvien Raul Ruidiaz qui a signé, dimanche, l'élimination du Brésil de la compétition dès la phase de poules. storybild. Le Brésil n'est pas parvenu à égaliser, et a donné son billet pour les quarts de finale au ... et plus encore »

L'essentiel L'Angleterre et la Russie menacées d'exclusion L'essentiel Votre message doit respecter la législation en vigueur et ne pas contenir d'incitation à la haine ou de discrimination, d'insultes, de messages racistes ou haineux, homophobes ou stigmatisants. Vous devez aussi respecter le droit d'auteur et le copyright. et plus encore »

On Sky News last night, I realised how far some will go to ignore homophobia The Guardian Orlando was both a terrorist attack and a homophobic attack on LGBT people. It was both the worst mass shooting in US history, and the worst targeted mass killing of LGBT people in the western world since the Holocaust. It is possible for an atrocity ... and more »

New Statesman Watch: Owen Jones walks off Sky News debate on whether Orlando was a homophobic attack New Statesman Longhurst and Hartley-Brewer were arguing that the attack on a gay night club did not constitute a specifically homophobic terrorist attack. .... The wheeze is that wins lead to wins, that political campaigns or parties can hit form, like an artist or ... Disgusted Owen Jones walks out of Sky News over bid to distance Orlando shooting from gay hate crime Mirror.co.uk all 80 news articles »

The Independent Owen Jones says decision to storm off Sky News was an 'instinctive reaction' and not about him The Independent Mr Jones disagreed with Sky News Press Preview host Mark Longhurst and co-panelist Julia Hartley-Brewer over the motivations of the gunman and whether the atrocity should be called a homophobic attack or be labelled solely as a religiously motivated ... Disgusted Owen Jones walks out of Sky News over bid to distance Orlando shooting from gay hate crime Mirror.co.uk all 127 news articles »

Lettera43 Orlando e Marsiglia frutto degli stessi valori violenti Lettera43 Le indagini devono stabilire se si è trattato di terrorismo o di un atto omofobo : rimane comunque il senso di una violenza inaccettabile. Nel nostro Paese in questo momento si stanno piangendo un certo numero di donne uccise da mariti, fidanzati ...

Ethical failings touch all sports SportsBusiness Daily (subscription) R eading the sports news can be demoralizing and make you question the integrity of our game. In the past few weeks alone, there have been reports of doping, racism, sexism, homophobia , sexual assault scandals, human trafficking related ... This is a ... and more »

WDR Nachrichten Randale bei der EM - Was tun gegen Hooligans? WDR Nachrichten Wie wäre es morgen mit " Homophobie & Sexismus beim Geschäftsfußball"? Alles Andere auf der Welt ist nicht so wichtig. Die vielen Ermordeten in USA ... Als ehemaliger Fußballer und dann ganz guter Langstreckler, kann ich unterscheiden und weiß, wie ... und weitere »

RTL.fr Le monde est saisi d'une macabre réminiscence après la tuerie d ... RTL.fr En France aussi la tuerie d'Orlando fait la une : "Nouvelle plaie béante" titre Libération, "Nuit d'horreur en Floride" pour Le Parisien-Aujourd'hui en France, "La terreur et la haine" en une du Figaro ou encore "Un massacre homophobe lié à Daesh ...

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