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Letter: Catholic Church can't be silent about violence against LGBT community The State Journal-Register In the wake of the senseless massacre in Orlando, religious leaders from around the world have come forward to condemn the homophobia that leads to such hatred and violence towards an already marginalized and vulnerable group of people: those of us ...

Shoaib Sultan ber muslimer gÃ¥r i homoparade Romsdals Budstikke Jeg tenker det er viktig Ã¥ markere at vi er mot homofobi , og at vi kan prøve Ã¥ vise dette ved Ã¥ delta pÃ¥ Oslo Pride-paraden. Det er viktig Ã¥ respektere at mennesker tar sine egne valg, sier Sultan til Nettavisen. Startskuddet for homofestivalen Oslo ... and more »

BLICK.CH Nach dem Orlando-Massaker analysiert Zürcher Polit-Professor den US ... BLICK.CH Foos meint, dass es wichtig sei, über den homophoben Hintergrund der Tat zu sprechen. «Das kann Trump nicht, da seine Partei ein grosses Problem mit diesem Thema hat.» Inzwischen habe sich die Meinung dazu in den USA aber so stark gewandelt, ... und weitere »

getwestlondon Birthday honours: Queen hands BEM to sports coach Dave Chana who has given opportunities to west Londoners getwestlondon He is also the general secretary and charter standard coordinator for the Middlesex Youth Football League and actively promotes and encourages compliance with equality and fair play initiatives like RESPECT, Kick-it-Out, Football v Homophobia . On ...

i24news World rallies in support of the Orlando club attack victims i24news People began handing out cold water to those in line, the sandwich chain Jimmy John's sent it's delivery people to hand out sandwiches, and retail giant Sports Authority set up umbrella's and handed out hats to protect people from the sun ... and more »

Excerpts from recent Minnesota editorials Marshall Independent Some people are quick to point to Mateen's alleged declaration of allegiance to the Islamic State, while others say his attack on a gay club was motivated by homophobia . Even others say he was simply angry and violent, or may have struggled with mental ... and more »

Ventures Africa Sexuality and Football : Leave policy out of the game and let the players play Ventures Africa ... gender equality and gay rights once said: “As an athlete, I wish to prevent all forms of discrimination within sport , such as sexism, homophobia and racism. But above all, I wholeheartedly support everyone's right to practice sports . For me it's a ... and more »

Marianne Orlando : Trump, les républicains et les LGBT Marianne Par ailleurs, dans leurs condamnations de l'attentat d'Orlando, les responsables républicains se gardent bien, non seulement de faire montre de leur solidarité avec la communauté LGBT, mais aussi de parler de la motivation homophobe d'Omar Mateen. et plus encore »

francetv sport Attentat homophobe d'Orlando: une minute de silence dans toutes ... francetv sport Alain Juppé, président du club des villes hôtes de l'Euro 2016, a annoncé que toutes les "fans zones" de France observeront une minute de silence ce lundi 13 juin à 20h30 en hommage aux victimes de l'attentat homophobe perpétré dans une boîte de nuit ... Une minute de silence dans les fan-zones Sports.fr 25 autres articles »

Newsweek Polska Nie poganiaj mnie, bo tracę serial! Newsweek Polska Średnia czasu, w jakim odbiorcy kończyli pierwszy sezon, to tydzień, przy poświęceniu telewizorowi (z serialem) minimum 2 godzin dziennie! Ale w .... Zamachowiec z Orlando miał głosić homofobiczne hasła i krzywić się na widok całujących się mężczyzn.

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