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NZ radio sports commentator describes AFL as ‘bloody gay’ - Australia Gay News Network

08 July 2016 | glrfcentral
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A NZ Radio Sport segment has created controversy after its hosts made derogatory remarks about Fijian rugby players, netball referees, and the AFL. The Spinoff published an article on Monday quoting host Mark Watson and regular guest Kieran Smyth making homophobic and racist remarks during the June 20 'Controversy Corner' section of Watson's night time show.

During the show, Smyth recounted a story in which he scolded his daughter for allowing his grandson to confuse AFL team Collingwood with the All Blacks.

"Well I turned to my daughter and said: 'Are you telling me that you really are going to have him play for that tight pants, weird singlet, bloody gay, homo sport?'"

Watson attempted to soften Smyth's remarks, saying the comments were "derogatory".

Smyth responded that he was saying it "in a controversy corner sort of a way," to which Watson responded: "I know, but we have to appease the one per cent of people who control society."

Radio Sport boss Steve Kyte said the matter was being taken seriously but refused to comment further.

"We are taking this very seriously but we won't be making comment on employee matters."


Author Andrew Shaw


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