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2010 Winter Camp Discussion And Voting Poll

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Dear GLRF United States Members:


As you may know, late last year or early this year Austin Rowing Club decided not to host their annual President’s Day Weekend Winter Retreat, and it has been unclear as to whether they would decide to hold them again in the future. In addition, for several years some GLRF members have expressed an interest in attending a rowing camp in another warm location, such as Florida. Consequently, this summer GLRF began some preliminary planning to host a new “Winter Rowing Festival” in conjunction with the 2010 Winter Party in Miami Beach the first weekend of March, 2010. We also thought a camp at this location and time might be attractive to some of our European members.


Unfortunately, there was a conflict for that March weekend with an already scheduled regatta in Miami Beach. So we shifted focus to holding the Winter Festival event on President’s Day weekend instead. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to GLRF, the Austin Rowing Club had placed a Winter Retreat on their calendar for President’s weekend, 2010. At this point, both Austin and Miami Beach have an event penciled in their calendars for President’s Day Weekend. GLRF has been in contact with the Austin Rowing Club and they are willing to reschedule their event to another weekend.


For GLRF US members, the President’s Day weekend is especially good because it includes a federal holiday, allowing for a three-day weekend. It does not make sense to have two events on the same weekend. Row Team Austin and/or Austin Rowing Club have hosted a Winter Retreat every year since 2001 on President’s Day Weekend, except for this year. The event has been reasonably well attended over the years, although some members have grumbled about the travel time and cost involved with connecting flights, and others have expressed concerns about the weather because it is very often cold in Austin at that time of year. Originally the event was run and managed by Row Team Austin but over the years, Austin Rowing Club and its coaching staff has taken over the responsibility of organizing the event.


We have put together a poll to get a sense of your preferences, and if you would like to see GLRF assume a more active role in planning and organizing rowing camps. We invite you to vote in the poll, and to also offer your comments here. To engage in a discussion with other GLRF members, may we suggest you enable ‘track this topic’ from the options button?


Thanks for your input!


The GLRF Team

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