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Last Minute Registration Special! Extended!



A last minute deal for all those procrastinators! The World Outgames organizers just announced that the last minute registration price has been extended to 14 July 2013, when Outgames registration will totally and completely close.


The last minute registration marks down the late registration participant fee (also referred to as the World Outgames Experience package) from 129 Euros to 79 Euros!! The sports fee for rowing remains unchanged and is an additional 55 Euros. But hey, you can bring your new bf or gf for next to nothing, and they can cheer you on at the regatta while letting everyone know nearby that's your man or your woman!


To take advantage of the special promotion, you need to use the promotion code "LASTCALL" when you register/pay. Note that some of the rowers who have registered but not paid (there are maybe 5 - 6 of you), can also take advantage of your straggler status and get this special reduced price offer.


For rowers who are on the fence about the competition and/or the extra 55 Euro rowing sports fee, keep in mind that you can also attend the World Outgames as a participant AND just pay separately for the recreational rowing event on Monday, and avoid the 55 Euro fee.


So this special 79 Euro participant fee is really a bargain because it gets you all kinds of discounts on events surrounding the World Outgames, and of course, admission to the opening and closing ceremonies. The list of discounts also includes a discount on the recreational rowing event!!!


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