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Deadline To Register: 25 May 2013



blog-0355733001369501379.jpgUpdate from the talented and he-who-has-a-wicked-smile @chirojoe:


Just a quick reminder that the registration deadline is approaching for Stonewall Regatta. You have till midnight Saturday night. Late registration will be available through Tuesday but only in those heats that haven’t been filled up by other entrants (with complete lineups including birthdates for masters races).


A couple of things:


Parking, T-shirt, and food links are all updated on the Regatta Central site for your pre-consideration.


Please pass on the following to your club members (along with parking info):

  1. We’re looking to chronicle the past 19 years of regatta T-shirts. If any previous attendees have an old Stonewall t-shirt, please bring it and either wear it proudly or show it to us at the Command central/registration/results table. The prize for the oldest shirt is a free SRXX shirt.
  2. Don’t forget the hat race at the end of the day. Random lineups, 500 meter sprint, but rowers and coxes must wear some kind of hat/headwear, which must be able to pass safety inspection by the refs along with shoe ties and bow balls. Feel free to wear any other fabulous garb to row in, but we don’t want anyone being ejected by an crab due to clothing so make sure it’s safe!
  3. Encourage everyone to come to the coaches/coxswains/scullers meeting at the start of the day, as it will be like no other in regatta history (that we know of).


We will do our best to have preliminary heat sheets out late Monday night/early Tuesday morning.


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