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America is Evolving, Are You?



http://trueconfessionsofafemalemotorcyclist.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/delaware.jpg?w=220&h=300As of yesterday, one fifth of the states and the District of Columbia in the United States have ratified bills legalizing same-sex marriage. THANK YOU DELAWARE!!  

Thank you to the Senators that voted yes. Thank you to the activists who worked hours upon hours raising money and lobbying the state government, telling their stories and outlining how equality is an American value.

America is evolving on the issue of same-sex marriage as increasingly more people are living their lives openly. Families are seeing that it’s not the unknown stranger, but it’s their sons and daughters, their parents, and their neighbors who are LGBT. As they put more faces with these issues, they understand the importance of pushing for legislation that guarantees the people they care about are treated equally under the law.

In the wake of these celebrations, I want to call out some comments I received on my post, The Right Side of History, posted on March 27, 2013. On that day, I’d stood on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court and rallied with my LGBT brothers, sisters, and allies in support of the Court ruling in favor of same-sex couples. The crowds and chants were energizing and my hope for change in the not so distant future felt tangible.

The commenters either stated that if it’s a religious and social institution, then it is not a civil right. Obviously, I disagree with them. Even if marriage’s roots are in religious institutions, the government has gotten into the business of marriage and I don’t believe they’re going back.

http://trueconfessionsofafemalemotorcyclist.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/biblical-marriage.jpg?w=300&h=225True, the history of marriage includes defining as women as property, being bought or sold to elevate a family’s status. This includes not only the historical social institution but also the religious institution. Men could take on more than one wife, more than one mistress, marry the woman he raped, and so on. Given the laws as they are written today, with marriage being between two consenting adults, I’d argue that’s the difference between the historical institution and today.

Yes, marriage is  a union between two adults. And because I’m in favor of a thick black line between religion and government, I’d be all for removing the word marriage from all government language regardless of the gender pairings. Then, everyone would be free to privately call their government recognized union whatever they want without restricting the rights of any other American citizen. I believe religion is a personal and private practice, something that does great things for a great many people, but still shouldn’t be included in local, state, or federal laws. My religious beliefs are mine and they work for me.

I don’t believe a religious institution should be forced by the government to do something, such as perform same-sex marriages, if it goes against their doctrine. Which by the way, is not what state or even federally legalizing same-sex marriage would require. However, if religious institutions want to preserve their right to abstain from performing anything against their doctrine, they don’t have the right to pour millions upon millions of dollars to lobby the government.

Religious institutions are 501©3 organizations which are tax exempt. Their funds should be used to improve their community and maintain their staffs and infrastructure. By which improving their communities, does not mean influencing laws. It means feeding and clothing the needy. Providing single mothers childcare, after school assistance, etc. After all, that’s how Jesus lived his life, in service to others. If they’re going to lobby the government, I believe they should then be required to pay taxes the same as any other organization.

However, I don’t believe the government is going to remove the word marriage from the books. The same as I don’t believe “In God We Trust” will ever be removed from US currency or “Under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance. (Neither of which were on the original printed currency or text of the Pledge.) Therefore, marriage has become a government regulated institution. Taxes are levied based on an individual’s marital status. Social security benefits, pensions, immigration, etc. All items where the religious right is working to deny same-sex families the benefits opposite sex couples are guaranteed.

Therefore, Zookie, you are wrong and on the wrong side of history. Do you want to be the one pictured in history books holding a sign that says marriage is between Adam and Eve, Adam and Steve. You’re going to look as ignorant as the people holding signs sixty plus years ago promoting segregation, and holding signs saying that interracial marriage is immoral and damaging to the races. Today, we view those people pictured all those years ago as ignorant. If people hold those same views today, we call them racist. Again, imagine how you will look in sixty years.

Marriage equality is coming. Maybe it’s not around the corner, but a few several corners. Democrats and Republicans are evolving on the issue with increasingly more people coming out in support of equality. A son coming out and opening their eyes to the inequalities he will face. A sister wanting to raise a family in a neighborhood and lead a normal life. Everyone wants a shot to live, be happy, safe, and contribute. That’s an American value. Marriage equality is around the corner because at the end of the day, people want to uphold American values.

Zookie, open your eyes. I bet you have LGBT, friends, family members, or neighbors. Listen to them. Truly listen. My hope for you is that if you have an open heart and an open mind, you will evolve on your views as well. That one day you will celebrate the passage of same-sex marriage in Delaware and other states. You’ll celebrate DOMA being overturned and equal protection under the law being applicable to all citizens. If you don’t evolve, you will find yourself on the wrong side of history.

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