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Update On Regatta Details And Format



GLRF met with the World Outgames Sports Coordinator at the Outgames offices in Antwerp on 05 March. The Regatta Organizing Committee chair joined the meeting by telephone.


Details for the student fee eligibility, of 79 Euros participant fee + 55 Euros rowing sports fee, are now outlined in the rowing details page.


Details for the 500m. dash were confirmed and are now detailed in the rowing details page.


The question of adding a 2- event was discussed. The Regatta Committee said a 2- event could certainly be accommodated but it was felt to be prudent to first measure the level of interest for such an event before adding the event to the electronic regatta registration. Regatta participants are encouraged to vote on their interest in a 2- event. The poll will stay open until late April 2013.


Rowers had asked if the race schedule would be structured with all age categories in a single boat type racing together. In other words, would rowers have enough time between races to be able to race in a B and C category for a given boat type. The regatta committee said every effort would be made to accommodate such entries and that would come when the final lineups are decided, after registration closes.


Several rowers have asked if the race format could be modified since they are not overly enthusiastic at the prospect of rowing a second, consolation race and losing some of their winning mojo that could be otherwise directed towards another entry. Three alternatives were discussed. The regatta committee said they would be willing to support any of the three options. It was felt that all participants should have the opportunity to discuss their preferences and also vote for the options. The poll will stay open until late April 2013.


Details of the transport pass and options for the train and bus were clarified. You can read the options in the rowing details page.


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