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Fabulous News For Stonewall Regatta Xx



The news is being relayed by the Stonewall Registrar @chirojoe who is apparently assisted by a Fabulous First Lieutenant, @suedisney.


The most fabulous online registration is open and taking all entries. The registrar wishes to remind all fabulous members of the rowing community that the race times are approximate and are based on the number of heats from the previous year.


If anyone is interested in a fabulous breakie, or wants to do lunch, please review the many options available this year.


In a delicious bit of fabulousness, there will be no entry caps or waiting lists for Stonewall Regatta XX.


Finally, in the most fabulous news to hit the mid-atlantic rowing region, Stonewall Regatta XX will finish the race events with a hat race! If you simply cannot resist, here are the details:

  • the race is a free-for-all 500m sprint for the ultimate in fabulousness,.
  • interested rowers and coxies may enter by placing their names in an absolutely fabulous hat,
  • you MUST be fabulously versatile; no strokeside side or bowside restrictions will be tolerated,
  • to race, you must wear some type of hat and it must be fabulous, which means ...
    1. your hat must be safe for use when rowing
    2. your hat must not impede your rowing movement
    3. your hat must pass the safety inspection by the referees as you head to the dock to launch (yes, they will check), so if it attaches with a chin strap, even better. As fabulous as rainbow boas look in chamber of the House of Representatives, the wonderful portions that 'hang' off your amazing body can get caught in the tracks.


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