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Rowing and Writing

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Since I managed not to sleep much last night, effectively making writing or any other endeavor more complicated than feeding my pie difficult, I thought I’d post a few updates.


My short story, “The Advent Calendar,” will be released by MLR Press on November 27, 2011. By happy coincidence, this is the first Sunday in Advent.




Toby wants children, Derek doesn?t, and this just might end their ten-year relationship. But will a near-brush with death help them set aside their differences to focus on what matters most?




Toby wanted children more than anything, and it bothered Derek to see the man he?d fallen in love with so down, but it also made him feel defensive, as if he, Derek, were personally responsible for the other man?s unhappiness and dissatisfaction. Whenever the subject came up, Derek felt torn between comforting Toby and rolling his eyes. Lately, it seemed like rolling his eyes won, and didn’t that just make him feel like a prime, Grade-A jerk?


But every time Toby started mooning on about the pitter-patter of little feet, all he could do was wonder just when it was Toby had been infected with the baby rabies. Symptoms included feelings of vague yearning, elevated levels of sentimentality, and otherwise inexplicable trips to Baby Gap.


The real danger of baby rabies, Derek thought darkly as he climbed down the ladder, was its communicability to those closest to the primary victim. The entire subject made him feel like dirt. He loved Toby more than anything. Was what they had not enough? Was he not meeting Toby?s needs? The idea hurt to think about, and made him feel worse than he already did these days.


Later that night, after perfunctory lovemaking, Derek lay awake, Toby snoring softly beside him. The rest of their evening had been pleasant enough, both of them backing away from the subject, an intricate dance of avoidance and unvoiced recriminations, neither saying what he really wanted or meant.


They were together, alone.




http://www.christopherkoehler.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/The_Advent_Calendar_9_22_2011-190x300.jpgThe Advent Calendar
























I’ll be making a round of blog tours in late November and December to promote the story, so look for links and cross postings to come.


On other fronts, Rocking the Boat and Tipping the Balance seem to be selling well, and that’s always nice.


Work continues well on The Answer To His Prayers, my current work in progress. I may re-title it, First Impressions since that’s a closer reflection of the story. Putting it briefly, it’s a gay riff on Pride and Prejudice. Since I seem to be getting a reputation for telling sweet stories with hot sex, hopefully it’ll be more of the same. Once I’ve got the first draft completed, I’ll post an excerpt here and there to tantalize.


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