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Barbados Bound

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My boats adventures in our race across the Atlantic
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2011 01 01 Margaret?s Interview About Big Blue Row


Interview by Jon Amtrup of Explorersweb





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2010 12 30?Blog By Margaret

2010 12 30?Blog By Margaret


On Christmas Eve I received an email saying simply ?do you still want to row?? Over the course of the skipper?s seemingly endless and very fraught week-long journey through New York blizzards and via Casablanca (which resulted in a loss of power to all of her communications equipment) I finally realised that the offer of a seat on the 16-man Atlantic Ocean rowing speed record attempt crew departing from Morocco on the 8th of January was for real and so of course I said yes. Having failed to gain an official record as first Australian woman to row an ocean in 2007/2008 when we were assisted I figured it?s high time I gave it another go! The skipper, Angela Madsen, was amongst my oppo in the last race. She has since become a good friend and I couldn?t think of anyone better to be on a boat with. We?ll be joined by a largely North American crew so if I end up with some sort of weird Aussie/Brit/Yankee accent you can blame them (at least in part). I will keep you all updated on progress as I go along. So far my friends have really stepped up to the plate and the support has been absolutely incredible. I know it will continue throughout the journey and I couldn?t do it without the countless people who are rallying around helping me get ready. Thank you to all of them.7569706638532213623-3033936027568544331?l=bigbluerow.blogspot.com



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2010 12 25?Blog by Ryan

2010 12 25?Blog by Ryan


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

-Mark Twain-


As my departure nears and I've said goodbye to most of my friends I'm embracing my last couple days with family. The frenzy of email communication between the crew has slowed as we all prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally for departure. This "throwing off of the bowlines" is easier for some than other I am sure. I have had moments of anxiety, a couple creepy dreams, and plenty of times when I stopped myself from thinking about all the bad things out of my control that could possibly happen. We've recently lost one crew member who was hit by a sliding car while walking to the store (lost form the crew, not life). She broke her wrist, an injury just bad enough that she has no choice but to forgo the expedition and while our hearts go out to Anne, it's reminded the rest of us what a fragile balance we walk. This re-affirms my fears and is the reason I've not done much mountain biking or other 'high risk' activities. But truth be told I do realize the most dangerous thing I could do, besides row across an ocean or something, is to drive a car. It's the simple living of our everyday lives that hold lots of possibilities for danger.


At this point anxious anticipation had drowned out my fears and the only negative emotions still pulling on me are those of separation. This attitude carries an air of fatalism, even if it's just my anticipation of longing. I've settled my estate, and mostly cleaned up my room and other effects just in case. Truth be told that leaving some things on my to-do list actually makes me feel better; drawing me away from thinking in such final capacities as they give me something to anticipate beyond this most immediate adventure. I will be happy as a mouse in a cheese factory when I return but for now I'm just looking forward to finally getting on with this trip.


Small bonus, I made the front page of the sports section:




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2010 12 17?TransPac Solo Row Announcement by Angelafrom RowofLife

My Name is Angela Madsen and I am going to row a solo ocean rowing boat with no support boat from California to Hawaii. What this means is that I will stay on my little boat the entire time, no one will give me any food or water, I will have to have enough provisions on board to sustain my life for as long as the journey takes. I will row as many hours a day as I possibly can and will try not to drift too far off course while I sleep. The time established by female soloist Roz Savage is 99 days. I am hiring a professional project manager, Tony Humphrey to facilitate the purchase, shipping and outfitting of a solo rowing boat as well as assisting with fundraising and providing 24/7 land support and weather during my crossing. I will start this rowing expedition Memorial Day weekend, May 30, 2011 from Rainbow Harbor in Long Beach, California and will be rowing 2,551 miles to USS Arizona Memorial, Honolulu, Hawaii as a tribute to Veterans and Service Men and Women who have lost their lives or like myself, who have been injured in the Line of Duty.

I always say Situation and circumstance should never be allowed to dictate who we are and what we will be able to achieve in our lifetime. Allowing situation and circumstance to oppress us is a choice. I dream big and set goals for myself realizing possibilities and potential for success, being hopeful and willing to do what is necessary to achieve those goals. When I first learned of the sport of Ocean Rowing I was drawn to it. I knew I was going to row an ocean. I did not allow the situation of being a woman and a paraplegic stop me. I just had to work harder and work differently to achieve my goals.

My current project can be followed on www.bigbluerow.com I was planning my solo row when this crew approached me a few months ago and asked me to skipper their boat across the Atlantic in January of 2011, they clearly needed help so I agreed to go with their project. I have decided that rather than postpone my solo project, I can try to do both. It is an ambitious plan but I am a paraplegic who rows across oceans. It seems rather normal to me. I don't have a lot of time to go out and find a sponsor so if through networking someone can help connect my team with a perfect partner to sponsor a first ever paraplegic to row across an ocean then I would be eternally grateful. I do have a fantastic story. On my first crossing I could not find sponsors because no one believed a paraplegic could do it. Now all anyone has to do is check my resume of rowing achievements on www.RowofLife.com

To negotiate sponsorship package contact team Project Managers: Tony Humphreys Ocean Pursuits tony@oceanpursuits.co.uk


Debbie Moeller debmole@sbcglobal.net (661)363-3864 Blogging www.debmole.blogspot.com

Angela Madsen, Website http://www.rowoflife.com E-mail Msparasurfer@aol.com (562)434-8334 cell (562)505-4157

To support my individual fund raising Donate-Pay Pal on website Rowoflife.com or send check to The California Adaptive Rowing Program, 3350 E. Seventh St., # 231 Long Beach, Calif. 90804. Donations should include the words "PARA SOLO" in the memo box of the check. I am also seeking literary agent and publisher as completion of the edit process for my book is at hand.

Thanks for your consideration,Angela Madsen California Adaptive Rowing Programs


http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_bi825lyqZEc/TSNYnHuglCI/AAAAAAAABzY/RVJCHmjpss0/s320/20090118_120.JPGAngela and Roz Savage7569706638532213623-206964557012808231?l=bigbluerow.blogspot.com



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Dylan and Zack Interviewed about Big Blue Row

Dylan and Zach Interviewed about Big Blue Row

***Click link above***






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Recap: Introduction to Roc Expedition Rowing Project, Big Blue

Dec 12, 2010 By Angela

Just to bring everyone up to speed on what Angela Madsen is up to these days

I do have another rowing project. It is not my solo row that I had begun planning and am chomping at the bit to do. It is something different and interesting. I took a visually impaired rower from Canada ocean rowing. He was considering rowing across the Atlantic. He found me on the internet. He is no longer with the project as he became violently ill on the boat, Sea Sickness combined with some shoulder problems changed his mind about ocean rowing but hey that is why I do the introductory ocean rowing classes. It should be everyone?s first step when considering rowing an ocean. The project that he was part of had lost their skipper so Franck told them about me. I began receiving e-mails from this guy Steve

Steve is relentless and convincing when he wants something, He does not give up! My kind of people! I began finding out more about their project, the crew, the boat and David. I discussed it with Debs, looked at what horrible financial shape I am in from all of this ocean rowing without sponsors, Gave much thought to my solo ocean rowing project and decided what the Hell, I can do both. First thing was to jump right in and organize sea trials for the project. To make sure it happened as this crew had been let down and abandoned before. They were not prepared, much of the critical information they needed to ensure success of their project was missing. I signed on late in the game with some big challenges and I have been cramming them with information, so much they could now be successful without me. They know what they are doing and why, from preparation of the boat to survival training, they have an extreme sense of caring for crew, camaraderie and of loyalty. They are amazing! We are still looking to fill the 16th spot on the crew.

Debs and I leave for Morocco on Christmas day.

I will blog more on my solo rowing project another time, I have not postponed it, changed or deviated from my plan, and it got a little more complicated and difficult. It became more interesting!




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Big Blue and her crew of 16 will depart Morocco in early January 2011 and arrive in Barbados less than 33 days later to claim the fastest Atlantic crossing by OAR. No motors or sails, Big Blue is entirely human powered. The crew of 16 will row 2 hours on and 2 hours off, for the nearly 800 hours they are at sea.






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