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After four years of service as an organizational director of the Federation of Gay Games (FGG), the GLRF Board of Directors voted to resign it’s organizational membership affiliation with the FGG. The Board felt that GLRF resources and time could be better spent on the promotion of rowing in the gay and lesbian community, and the focused support for gay-friendly and gay-sponsored regattas. Read the letter:GLRForgDepart_FGG.pdf

On the occasion of the 15th Asian Games, a rower from Doha registered with GLRF, expanding the worldwide community presence to 23 countries. The registration also marked the first membership in the GLRF African (Afrique) continental area. There are now six continental areas represented within GLRF: North America, South America, Europe, Oceania, Asia, and Africa.
Rowing has a long tradition in the North African region. World Rowing recently reported the resurgence of rowing in Iraq. A review of the Qatar Rowing and Sailing Federation website indicates a strong commitment to develop rowing in the area and announced the arrival of new boats earlier this year.

GLRF member @crewhead01 of the Pittsburgh Crewheads, and creator of the first online gay rowers list-serve, reported that Yahoo had deleted his email as well as the Yahoo group, ‘glrowers.’ He indicated that the action came as a complete surprise and he was not give any explanation or advance notice.
Lewis was responsible for establishing the first online list-serve for gay and lesbian rowers in 1996. It was the main resource for many rowers hoping to row in Amsterdam at the Gay Games in 1998.
In 2001, Lewis converted the list-serve to the Yahoo groups format to more simply administer the growing list of rowers. After the launch of GLRF in 2003, the glrowers Yahoo group acted as an adjunct to GLRF, providing an additional discussion area for website visitors to quickly read and post rowing information.
Yahoo gave no explanation for its actions. There is speculation that an individual or an organization had filed a complaint. That usually is all it takes to get a group removed.
GLRF is currently working on some new features that will provide the same functionality of the glrowers Yahoo group, including multiple levels of notification for posts to the various Global Rower country pages.
A huge thank you to Lewis for his many years of support to the gay and lesbian rowing community!

The Swiss have arrived! A rower from Zurich registered with GLRF, and immediately asked if he was the only one. Several rowers from Switzerland competed at the Montreal Outgames and there was interest in including rowing at the EuroGames 2000 in Zurich. So we have to believe that there are many gay and lesbian rowers hitting the water everyday in various parts of Schweiz, or is it Suisse, or is it Svizzera? This new addition to the GLRF worldwide community helps to solidify the membership base in Western Europe, with eight countries now represented.

Whether or not the GLRF visit to Budapest in March had any effect, we won’t really know but the end result is the same - Hungarian rowers joined GLRF! Hailing from the Csepel Rowing Club in Budapest, this new rower says there are lots of gay rowers and they are best, since they always win the state championships. Excellent, let’s hope he can encourage these others to join GLRF!

The 2006 Chicago Gay Games was not without controversy, what with dual gay multi-sport events being hosted just one month apart in Chicago and Montreal, in July and August (Chicago Gay Games and Montreal Outgames).
However, rowing became the greatest source of controversy when the Chicago Gay Games organizers acted on the recommendation of GLRF to host the rowing event at Crystal Lake. The decision created a firestorm of controversy leading up to the regatta, with local Christian conservatives loudly protesting the decision at public city meetings. The resulting media story went nationwide as the Chicago sports organizers repeatedly attempted to reassure local residents that the City of Crystal Lake would not turn into some naked scene of debauchery and that children swimming in the lake would not be "infected" or "turned."
On the day of the event, additional police were on hand to separate local protesters as athletes, spectators, and volunteers arrived to participate.
GLRF published an open letter to the community following the regatta, thanking residents, the Crystal Lake Rowing Club, and all the public agencies who worked to support the event. Read it here: GLRF_thks_Crystal_Lake.pdf

It was just another registration for the system, and for the GLRF member entering his information, the process wasn’t any different than for other rowers. But in a click of a button, Doug S. from Chicago took GLRF over the 500 member mark and into what external organizations acknowledge to be significant mass.
As the membership continues to expand, the relative percentage of US membership in GLRF has dropped to less than 65%, and both Canada and the United Kingdom are each close to accounting for a 10% portion of the total GLRF membership. Additionally, women’s membership has grown steadily, now approaching 150 members. At the current rate of growth, GLRF could easily surpass 600 members before the end of 2006.
GLRF website traffic continues to climb, with average daily hits now listed at 32,800 and average daily page views at 1100.

Vancouver Rowing Club's racing squad known as the The Great Eight has been training to compete at the 2006 Montreal Outgames. Xtra! reporter André Beaucage spent some time with the team and learned about how training for the Outgames as part of a rowing team has helped some of the team members in their struggle to embrace their sexuality openly, comfortably, and without fear.
Read the full article: Xtra_TeamGreatEight.pdf
Update 11 Oct 2009 - Although the Great Eight has shrunk in size, some of the rowers continue to be active at the Vancouver Rowing Club and compete at local and international regattas. A group dedicated to the squad can be found on the All Oars group known as The Fantastic Foars. Use this link to spread the word: http://thefantasticfoars.glrf.info

A female rower wanted to know why the Spanish flag was not visible on the GLRF site. The reply was simple: when one member from a country joins, we add the country to the GLRF Worldwide Community. With that response, a Spanish rower registered with GLRF, and Spain became part of the GLRF community.
As host to the 1992 Olympic Games, Spain made a permanent mark on rowing with its development of the world-renown rowing center at Estany de Banyoles (Lake Banyoles). Of equal stature are the extremely competitive crews that continually emerge from Spain’s rowing community.
GLRF is proud and honored to welcome rowers from El Reino de Espana. We look forward to creating a gateway to a community for Spain’s gay and lesbian rowers.

The Organizing Committee of the 1st World Outgames has announced a sports-only registration fee option for all sports. Participants may elect to register for any sport for CA$75. The registration fee entitles an athlete the ability to participate and compete in one sport, receive a participation medal, and a souvenir bag. The transportation pass, and tickets to the opening and closing ceremonies are excluded. Look at the flyer: A_la_carte_Promotion_EN.pdf
The news is a boon to rowers, many of whom felt the registration fee made the regatta too expensive. The Regatta Organizing Committee expects a surge in last minute registrations as crew members will be able to entice other club rowers to compete in their boats, and rowers will find flying in for a long weekend affordable. Rowers who select the sport-only registration will still be able to enter an unlimited number of events. To accommodate the last minute registration option, the cut off for regatta entries has been extended to 16 June 2006 at 24:00h.

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