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Resources for Parents in the Rowing Family

11 February 2015 | glrfcentral
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The GLRF website has always approached the issue of how to support a gay and lesbian rower who is in the process of coming out to their team, coach, family, and friends.


On 05 Nov 2006, all that changed when a rower’s visit to the GLRF booth at the Head of the Hooch Regatta in Chattanooga produced an entirely unexpected but certainly real question. How does a straight rower (mom or dad) deal with the news that their son or daughter is gay or lesbian? The short answer is the same worldwide: with love, compassion, and pride. The long answer is a little different. Since we’re rowers, we know that your concerns are all over the dock but the answers are all there in front of you.

  • You are not alone.
  • You won’t lose your seat in the boat.
  • Your son or daughter will still be athletic.
  • You should not be ashamed of this “secret.”
  • It will take time to get used to it, a LOT of time.
  • They are just as concerned about you and your reaction as you are about them. In fact, it is probably the single most discussed issue among gay and lesbians anywhere, anytime - telling your parents.
  • You are very lucky because you row. Use it to clear your head. Row constantly and for long pieces. The pain of your aching butt and legs will distract your consuming worry.
  • Once you feel more at ease, start casually mentioning to your boat and the club about your son’s or daughter’s activity with a partner, girlfriend or boyfriend. It is a great way to start getting used to this new facet of the family, and it will make it easier to include in your conversations at work and in your social life.

Here are some resources for parents who are getting used to the "news:"

My Child is Gay | Family Do’s & Don’ts | The Coming Out Process | Getting Support | Happier Holidays


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