Yet again, it was another software upgrade but this time from the wonderful owners of YouTube, Google!
Although Google said they had been warning everyone for months that the YouTube API Version 2 would be discontinued in May 2015, we were unaware and caught completely off guard. After a month of searching and working with a developer, we have been able to restore our GLRF Categories Videos.
As we began to slowly reintroduce the search criteria for worldwide rowing videos, it was stunning to see the GLRF website become populated with rowing videos from every corner of the world. This new YouTube API Version 3 is bringing in rowing videos for every aspect of the rowing community, providing something for all 9 demographic communities as well as 42 geographic communities of the federation.
As word gets out, the new normal in the rowing community will be gay and lesbian rowing. Suddenly everyone will be saying they have always been gay-friendly, act gay in public, or just whisper they are on the DL ... so they can join GLRF! [actually, anyone can join GLRF - we don't ask anyone's sexual orientation]
It shouldn't be a problem since there are so many of us in the rowing community already ... :)
The GLRF Team
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