2011 01 12 Day 1 By Angela Via Sat Phone
2011 01 12 Day 1 By Angela Via Sat Phone
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_bi825lyqZEc/TS1dtYRAZ8I/AAAAAAAAB0g/Qi1XrLTG0GY/s320/photo-740749.JPGI just spoke to Angela. They did not realize that the Spot had not reported their position. (There is a link onwww.BigBlueRow.com) They are at 29N 20 428 and 101W 38 741 as of 8 pm (I will be reporting in GMT) tonight.
The winds have been against them until tonight. Now they are just slightly favorable for the 1st time. Margaret has not gotten her computer up and running yet, so her daily blog is not daily yet.
Angela said it was a day of Dolphins and Blisters. They had a beautiful sunrise and the clear skies at night allowed them to see millions of stars. No one on the boat is so sick that they are incapacitated. There are a few who are uncomfortable, but it is getting better for most.
The only other thing anyone had to add was that they were involved in a distress call relay from another boat. The good news about that is the VHF is working and they were successful in relaying a call.
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