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2011 01 10 Blog by Margaret Official Departure Time




2011 01 10 Blog by Margaret

PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE AN OFFICIAL DEPARTURE TIME FOR OUR OCEAN ROWPosted on January 10, 2011 by Margaret Bowling| Leave a comment Having consulted our weather router Lia and encouraged the crew to work overtime to get things ready we are finally able to announce a final official departure time of 0600 GMT on the 11th of January. We will now be leaving directly from Agadir instead of Tarfeya. The weather couldn?t be better. We have light winds pushing us in more or less the right direction all the way down the Moroccan coast. By the time we?re ready to change course and start heading out to sea the winds will have veered and increased in speed giving us an excellent push in the right direction away from Africa. The trade winds are blowing and conditions as they stand look ideal for a record year. Whilst I am an eternal optimist I am also realistic that over the course of a month things could change. I?m going out there with a record smashing attitude but as always will take it on the chin should it fall from our grasp.

I?ve stepped in last minute to a team of really amazing people. There are usually at least a few pretty ?interesting? types on these expeditions but this time I have the good fortune of landing up with one of the coolest teams I?ve ever met and not an ?interesting? person in sight. I know we?re going to have a lot of fun, that is if they can put up with my bossing! I?ve been made watch commander so will be responsible for half the team. This is essentially a co-skipper or second in command role which is something I?ve thrown myself into and am mostly looking forward to. The increased level of responsibility means I can?t let things slip and I will need to work hard to hide my anger, disappointment, upset and exhaustion from my guys. Fortunately I have my own comms system and lots of you wonderful people will be following the trip so I will be able to share those moments with you instead.

All the best from Captain Super Pants at the start of Aussie domination attempt number 2. It seems I have a whole nation to make it up to following the Ashes. 7569706638532213623-7849880404271961355?l=bigbluerow.blogspot.com




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