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JP Barnaby and very special book



That makes it sound like an after-school special from the 80s and it’s not. A Heart For Robbie is a book near and dear to her heart, and to mine, and that’s why I’m humbled that she has allowed me the chance to host her for the release day blog hop.


A Heart For Robbie




Waiting for someone else’s child to die so yours can live is the worst kind of Hell.http://www.christopherkoehler.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/HeartForRobbieALG-200x300.jpg


Celebrated Young Adult author Julian Holmes pits the heroic characters in his Black Heart series against all different kinds of monsters. But when a critical heart defect threatens his son’s life, he finds he has no champion. No amount of books, classes, or practice can prepare Julian for the fight to save his beautiful son’s life.


Suddenly there are hospitals, transplant lists, and the nightmare of insurance red tape to navigate. In the midst of his trouble, Julian meets Simon Phelps, the insurance coordinator for Robbie’s case. Simon lives so deep in the closet he might never find his way out, but he dreams of exactly what Julian has. Then one night, drunken need and desperation brings them together, and a new fight begins.



My two cents:


I mentioned in the author’s note to Settling the Score that we all more or less know each other, or at least many of us know a goodly number of us, and that holds true for me and JP. We talk about an amazing range of subjects, and this book has come up many times. While I certainly can’t say I was there from the beginning of this novel, I’ve heard a lot about it and the blurb alone brings a tear to my eyes. I know what it’s about and this one’s going to get you, but I also know it has a happy ending. I’m serious, my fellow citizens of Romancelandia, when I tell you that you have to read this one. If you buy nothing else this week or even this month, treat yourself to A Heart For Robbie.


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