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Country Languages Added



GLRF is a worldwide online community. Our membership now counts members in 40 countries and only 56% of our overall membership is from the United States.


Although English is very often cited as the universal worldwide language, it is arrogant to assume everyone can or prefers to use English.


Accordingly, we have uploaded 16 language packs to compliment the All Oars Network. At the same time, we have run a database sort that assigns all of our members to a language, depending on their country. What this means is that any French members who login will now see their default language as French. The same applies to our members who speak one of the following languages: Swedish, Danish, Dutch, German, Norwegian, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Croatian, Portugese, Arabic, Persian, Greek, Turkish, and Polish. For those members whose country language is not yet included, their default language remains English. However, every member can change their default language selection. So if you're Serbian and don't speak English, perhaps you speak Russian and you can select that language as your default.


Okay, great but why are all the pages still in English? We will never have the entire website entirely translated. If you visit the forums, you'll see most of the languages have been translated and we are ordering more translations.


Your other question will soon be why a particular country page is not translated for your language. That's because all of the country pages will only feature one native language translation. The French Country page will only be in French. The Danish Country page will only be in Danish, and so on.


We hope these improvements will be more inclusive and inviting for all of our worldwide members.


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