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It Is Official - Accreditation Aka Checkin For Rowers In Gent



What started as an idea for some of us who did not relish making a separate trip to Antwerp just to go through athlete checkin (also called 'accreditation') has turned into a tidal wave of relief by the rowers and the Outgames has happily signed off on the idea.


This is essential for all rowers. The Outgames cannot logistically handle two different athlete checkin areas, so it can only be in one location. Therefore, rowers MUST go through athlete accreditation on Friday at the rowing venue in Gent.


GLRF will be picking up all the badges for all the rowers on Thursday morning, 01 August, from the Outgames offices, and taking them to Gent. There will be no rowing badges at the Centraal Station.


We hope to open the checkin table around 09h00 on Friday, 02 August. We will update this news item with a map but for now, we advise all rowers to simply go to the finish tower of the rowing venue. For those approaching the rowing venue, you will see the course in front of you, and you need to turn left and walk past the Koninklijke Roeivereniging Club Gent (KRCG) towards the finish tower.


[edit 30 Jul 2013] It is confirmed that checkin will start around 09h00 (we have to return the rental car first but we hope to be there between 09h00 and 09h30), and you can also begin your boat rental and training. This is the email from the Regatta Secretary, effective today, 30 Jul 2013:


Yes, next to the Roeivereniging Club Gent - at the Finishtower.

They can pay their boats over there - once upon payment of the rental fees, they will get the tickets for the boats. They will get a plan where they can find their boat.

From 9h on Friday


We are seeking volunteers to help with the checkin table since all of us need to get some time on the water. If you can help, please reply to this topic.

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Okay I can edit the news or just add a comment. Choosing the latter.


The first surprise is that we only get (4) bus passes. I and I think everyone had been led to believe we would get a bus pass good for the entire week. Each pass is good for a day, whatever day you want to use it. You can use it in Ghent and Antwerp.


The second surprise is that the registration packets may have your extra party tickets but only if your ordered them before last Thursday or Friday, 25 or 26 Jul 2013. After that, you will need a printed email voucher to either get in directly at the event or to request a ticket at the accreditation center at Centraal station.

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