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Gotcha! Gallery Reorganization - Where And How To File Regattas!



You don't realize how difficult it is for the librarians and archivists of the world until you step into their shoes for just a few minutes.


We have now gone through a second complete reorganization of the categories, super, main, and sub of the Gotcha! Gallery in order to sort images in a logical manner. Probably the most difficult was how to handle regattas. Where do you put the regattas so that they are easy to find? Juniors want to see junior regattas, and probably masters want to see masters regattas. But how do you file the Royal Canadian Henley or the Head of the Charles, or any variety of regattas that feature a broad spectrum of the rowing community?


The latest iteration is to list regattas that do not specifically focus on just one aspect of the rowing community in a broad country regatta category. So all Canadian regattas are now listed under the Canada country image category.


On the other hand, regattas that target just one aspect of the rowing community, be that masters, juniors, university, or elite level rowing, all of those image categories are now featured under that specific category of the rowing community. So Junior Regattas are found in the Juniors section of the gallery. Similarly, University Regattas are found in the University section of the gallery.


Now we just need to come up with an effective, "don't make me think" navigation display that helps people find all these categories and not hunt around everywhere!


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