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Day 6: Crows Fly; They Don't Row



blog-0312629001371437309.jpgIt is now Day 6 since Angela set out from Santa Cruz on her solo row to Hilo, Hawaii.


The first few days were pure hell, with gale force winds and 25 foot waves. The quintessential 'Pacific' ocean has now calmed quite a bit and she is making more progress, albeit in a slow pace.


Angela's track should be almost exacty west by southwest (as the Crow flies) but her actual pace has taken her south by southwest. So although she has rowed 115 miles to date, she is still only 42 miles closer towards her destination.




Clearly the California Current that runs southeasterly along the coast of California is making its presence known in a very communicative manner.




In a solo row, even Super Heroes like Angela need to rest. To do that, she has to deploy a sea anchor to help steady the boat and prevent it from being blown ashore. Unfortunately, the California Current grabs the sea anchor and takes her along for the ride. This fight to get out of the current will last for several weeks since the current is approximately 1,000 km wide (540 nautical miles).


And you thought getting caught in a riptide was bad ....


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