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All Oars Groups - Now With Separate News



We have just updated each of the All Oars Groups, adding a separate news feature that is independent of the discussion forums.


It was felt that using a forum structure for news was confusing. In general, news is supposed to be presented as unbiased and factual, and can invite comments but is not really meant to be formatted as a discussion.


Additionally, the news forums were a subset of the main group discussion forum and that made it all the more confusing for members.


Now news items are presented three ways:

  1. a truncated block that displays the last five news items
  2. a group news page that presents a summary of all the news items, with pagination
  3. an individual news entry page that displays the full text of the news item with commenting blocks below

You will also notice that each of the three news presentations has a comment summary icon that shows the number of comments for each specific news article. As before, you can follow the news section by simply selecting Follow Group News and if you are tired of too much news, you can always click Unfollow Group News!!!


One you comment on a fact. The other is for discussion and debate. Hope that makes sense.


This is another creation from the GLRF Wonder Developer in Brooklyn.


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