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The View from Portland

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Who's Going To Northwest Regionals?? Me!!!!



The good news is: I don't have to quit my job! I thought I might have to because the heartless giant retailer that I work for refused to allow me to take the weekend off for Northwest Regional Championships at the end of June. They said I hadn't submitted my request outside of the three month window of opportunity, so I was their lowest priority for finding coverage. Even if I was at the top of their list, they said, nobody wanted to cover that weekend anyway. Well screw the scheduler and his big scheduly date book!! I hired a new employee and I'm making her work that weekend! Sucker!!


Now I don't have to let my coach and entire team down as I would have if I broke the news about not being able to make it to Seattle. The weight has been lifted! PHEW! That would have really sucked to put in all of this training for nothing.


We have had a set line-up in the boat for a while now and we are finally starting to gel into a similar rowing style. We still have those days when it seems like nobody's head is in the boat. But, we are seeing with more frequency what it is like when we focus that unbridled energy into glidey magical run. Man, I love moving a boat like that! I want some shiny gold this year. I can taste it!


Anyone else headed up to the Northwest Regionals this year? I am a little bummed that it is up in the Seattle area. I haven't had much fun driving up there in the past. The traffic is so much worse than in Portland and I don't have one of those fancy GPS things to help me with directions. Getting lost gets old quick. I miss having Regionals down here in Vancouver, WA when it only takes me 45 minutes to get there! I don't believe I have ever rowed at this year's venue, so I am looking forward to seeing what it's like. Just wish it was closer. Hope to see some of you up there! Let me know if you're going.

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Yoo hoo! The booth paperwork is in and GLRF will be at the NW Masters.


Zach, I'm looking forward to meeting you although I think we met last year in Vancouver.


The calendar event should appear on the main GLRF Central page soon but here's the link th the calendar event for any folks who are reading Zach's blog.


- Brian



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