We are now testing a much-needed additional feature for the All Oars Groups: events.
Now group adminstrators and moderators can create a group event, and even choose whether the event is public (viewable by all GLRF community members) or private (viewable only by the group members.
In addition, a group administrator or moderator who sees a public event that he/she feels would be of interest to the group can "snag" the event (for non-Americans, that means copy and paste) to display on the group home page.
If you visit a group homepage, you will see a new block that is labeled as 'Upcoming Group Events.'
For those who may not see the wisdom of snagging an event, consider the just created calendar event for the GLRF Events calendar. It announced that GLRF was hosting a booth at a big Juniors regatta in California.
With this snag feature, we were able to add the event to the California Juniors group - something they would be very interested in knowing about.
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