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Glrf Website Now Hosted On A Dedicated Virtual Server



What does that mean? We're the only house in the culdesac. It means we have lots more processing power, lots more ram, and lots more bandwidth to accommodate a growing community.


It means our old shared hosting service can't "throttle" the performance of the GLRF website, which they did on a daily basis, because the GLRF website was colocated with hundreds if not thousands of other websites.


It means we can blast out our newsletters and other community updates in lightening fast speeds instead of basically freezing the website for upwards of 2 hours while the newsletter emails were sent out in bunches of 15 and then paused so that the GLRF website did not suck all the cpu from the shared server.


It means we can host and use any software and have unlimited files, unlike the strange policy of the shared hosting service that we could store files of any size but we could only have a total of 50,000 files ... and we were already over that at 55,000 files at the beginning of June.


It means we can upgrade our servers performance to more RAM and CPU with a click of a button without having to move servers again.


Finally, we hope it means a better performing and faster website for our community members.


This last minute decision was done after seeing a summer promotion for 20% off one-year prepaid hosting, and the fact that waiting and changing servers later on, with more activity and people online would complicate issues all the more.


Next up: upgrading the All Oars Network!


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