We recently changed the login settings for the GLRF website. By doing so, any GLRF website link, be it from the Cox Box Squax Newsletter, an All Oars Network email notification, or a link from a friend in an email will allow GLRF members to click, login, and directly see the item associated with the link.
Gone is the necessity to "land" at the main page and then chop through the jungle overgrowth to find the page, or go 'back' to the email or newsletter and 'reclick' on the link.
In some cases, the login display will vary, some showing the All Oars Network login page while other links will take you to the GLRF login page. Either way, you still use your OnlineID and password and you're in and connected throughout the entire website.
Some users may encounter the need to login twice, and that is due to cookies and perhaps cache issues. If you regularly shut down your computer, you shouldn't experience that issue.
We hope you find this more convenient and easy to use. For those who have enabled OpenID or Facebook Connect, you should be able to move about the GLRF website effortlessly.
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