We have changed the Learn To Row page several times and about a month ago settled on this guestbook format. The Learn To Row page is on the public side of the GRLF website and is meant to help promote rowing in the gay and lesbian community and help folks find rowing clubs.
The idea is that local GLRF Ambassadors, residing in their own countries, would be able to comment on the guestbook entries and help people find local rowing clubs. Sure, any GLRF member could make a comment but we wanted to give some momentum to this idea, suggested by Frank22 in Copenhagen in 2009.
To automate the notification process, we have set up an RSS feed from the guestbook that creates a topic in the Learn2Row Enquiries forum. To participate, all you have to do is click on the button that says 'Watch Forum,' and you'll be notified each time there is a new guestbook entry.
When you get the notification, you login/click on the link and you can read the entry and then click on the link below that says 'Read Full Article.' From there, just add a comment.
The idea is that the public can read the enquries as well as the comments.
Hope you like the setup and let us know what we can do to improve!
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