Back On The Erg
It is sooooo cold in LA right now. I hate rowing when it's this cold outside. Every splash of water stings. I'm sure there are a few in Boston, Chicago, Madison, St. Catharines, London, and probably Seattle who could express ship me huge helpings of humble pie but I just can't get past the cold thing.
Of course, if James Ellis was in the boat, well yeah, I would be at the dock waiting at 5:30 am even if our scheduled launch was 7:15 am. ... What is it about blondes like him? I wonder if he has ever rowed? I met him once, at the San Diego Crew Classic. I was pulling in to the parking lot and this beautiful demi-god blond guy parking supervisor comes up to look at my GLRF vendor's pass. I didn't realize who he was at the time until I started obsessing over him this month since he was the Hunky Santa at the Beverly Center. Okay, so maybe I spent a little too much time reading about his background as a cheer guy for Indiana State and then moving to San Diego and working for a parking company. Now he is Mr. Successful in the entertainment biz and apparently will be in a movie soon. *sigh*
Okay, so back to my Water Rower and my six-in-a-row erg sessions. Just started before Christmas without any real NY'rs resolutions. Probably my motivation was Francisco, the coach for the Miami Rowing Festival, wanting erg scores from everyone who attends the event. Sure I could "modify" the results for me since I manage the database but still, I don't want Francisco giving me that 'Peruvian eye' thing - sure you can do 7:01 ...
Starting to get so psyched for Miami - all that sunshine, and the beach looks so nice - a little rowing, some time at the pool ... more rowing ....
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