A La Jacques Cousteau
Most of you will remember the Under Sea World of Jacques Cousteau TV documentaries in the 70’s. For those that don’t, Monsieur Cousteau invented the aqua lung aka scuba gear and brought the undersea world to everyone’s living room in vivid color. I will never forget the one episode about the sleeping sharks of Yucatan. Cousteau finally put to rest the myth that sharks had to swim all their lives in order to survive. After lots of footage, Cousteau, who personally provided the voice over commentary in his heavy French accent declared: “…ven ze sharks begin to gazther, eet iss time too leave.” I couldn’t stop laughing. Ya think?
So tonight’s email from Gary at the Los Angeles Rowing Club had me thinking about Jacques:
There is actually a Tsunami warning for the coast of California starting Tuesday evening at 9pm.
Although I don't think we will be hit by a Tsunami while out rowing on Wednesday morning, we thought it would be good to warn those that are rowing on Wednesday morning to pay extra attention to the swells,…
And if you do see a Tsunami coming Wednesday morning while out on the water, well I suggest a power piece.
If only Jacques were still around to provide the personal voice over for that email ….
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